Electronic Signature: It authenticates that anything written electronically is written by the person whose name appear at the end of the document. It need not be similar to the physical signature. The best example for a e-signature is the email exchange that is communicated between individuals. It gives an implication that the emails or documents […]
Archives for August 2014
Various Types of Crops in India
This article will help you to get an overview of the some of the types of crops grown in India and their categorization. You will find this article useful for your Prelims preparation as questions on the types of crops as per the categorization has been asked in the Prelims in the past. As per […]
El Nino and how would it affect the monsoon of India in 2014?
El Nino arises in the eastern Pacific, along the coast of South America. El Nino is a climate phenomenon that occurs when a vast pool of water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean becomes abnormally warm i.e. 0.5 degree Celsius more than the average. Under normal conditions, the warm water and the rains it drives […]